Neonatal Life Support
Octubre - 2020
1.- Heart Rate Monitoring During Neonatal
Resuscitation (NLS 898: EvUp)
After birth, the newborn’s heart rate is used to assess the
effectiveness of spontaneous breathing and the need for interventions
such as PPV, and it’s used as the marker of response to resuscitation
interventions. Therefore, a rapid and reliable method of measuring the
newborn’s heart rate is a critical adjunct for neonatal resuscitation.
The most recent review of this topic was included in the 2015 CoSTR for NLS.1,9,10 The NLS Task Force undertook an EvUp to identify additional evidence published after 2015 that would warrant consideration of a new SysRev.
Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Study Design, and Time Frame
Population: Newborns requiring resuscitation
Intervention: ECG monitoring
Comparator: Oximetry or auscultation
Outcome: Measurement of heart rate (speed and reliability) (important)21
The EvUp (Supplement Appendix C-3) identified 7 additional studies published after the 2015 CoSTR Sys- Rev,1,9,10 including 2 SysRevs,44,452 RCTs,46,47 and 3 observational studies.48–50 All 7 studies supported the 2015 treatment recommendation.1,9,10 Thus, the NLS Task Force agreed that no new ILCOR SysRev is warranted at this time, and the current recommendation continues. Of note, there is a need to develop an additional interventional PICOST to determine if routine use of ECG monitoring during neonatal resuscitation improves clinical outcomes.
Also, improved tools and methods to enable detection and measurement of heart rate have been reported in the literature or are under development; as a result, the current PICOST question may be too limited in scope. Such methods include ew heart rate monitors, digital stethoscopes, photoplethysmography methods in addition to pulse oximetry, and Doppler ultrasonography methods with auditory or visual displays. New interfaces for ECG monitoring include dry electrode technology. Future SysRevs will need to compare these technologies to the current “gold standard” of ECG monitoring with gel electrodes. Until such evidence is available, the NLS Task Force agreed that there is no justification to seek a new SysRev or alter the current (2015) treatment recommendations.
Treatment Recommendation
This recommendation (below) has not changed from 2015.1,9,10
In babies requiring resuscitation, we suggest the ECG can be used to provide a rapid and accurate estimation of heart rate (weak recommendation, very low certainty evidence).