Infecciones virales adquiridas de cerebro neonatal

Octubre 2022



Enterovirus and parechovirus meningitis en neonates

A fatal course of neonatal meningo-encephalitis

Neurodevelopmental Outcomes post Enterovirus and Parechovirus

Cerebral imaging and neurodevelopmental outcome post parechovirus

Neurological and neurodevelopmental outcomes post parechovirus CNS infection

Maternal COVID-19 Infection and Adverse Neurological Fetal Outcomes

Neonatal Cerebral Venous Thrombosis post Maternal SARS-CoV-2

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of newborns and infants with parechovirus

Characterization of Inflammatory Responses to Parechovirus Encephalitis

Innate Immune Responses in Serum/Cerebrospinal Fluid From Neonates With Parechovirus

Volpe Sexta EdiciĆ³n

Development leucomalacia periventricular in newborn post rotavirus infection

Cerebral White Matter Injury in a Newborn Infant With COVID-19